
Welcome to VSETH's

Student Sustainability Committee

The point of contact for students interested in sustainability at ETH.



Introducing our “Vision 2030” – Our Ideas for becoming a Sustainable University!

One year after we started, we’re thrilled to unveil our “Vision 2030”. Join us on a journey towards a more sustainable university and become part of this change. Discover our vision and ideas for a greener campus, including sustainability in education, student engagement and participation.

Access the document here: Vision 2030

Contact us via development@ssc.ethz.ch if you are interested to join our projects!

🌞 Upcoming Events in FS 2024 🌞

ETH Net Zero Day

Tuesday, 28.05.2024, 13:00 – 19:00 (open end)

How does a Net Zero future look like? What is ETH doing regarding its greenhouse gas emissions? And how can you contribute?

Join us for our biggest event of the semester, the first ETH Net Zero Day, co-organized with ETH Sustainability, Student Project House (SPH), and Circular Horizon. This event is designed to engage students and employees in ETH’s journey to net zero emissions.

At the event, you will hear about the ETH Net Zero program and how ETH Sustainability, SSC, and SPH are working on reducing emissions. Additionally, there will be inputs from researchers on how we can reach Net Zero at ETH and on a societal scale. Afterwards, you can participate in a 3-hour hackathon, working on different projects related to emission reductions. 

There, best projects will win some attractive prices as well as coaching for their implementation.

Find more information on the dedicated website and reserve your spot here.

Our Accomplishments in 2023

(click on the picture to open the document)

As a commission dedicated to promoting sustainability at ETH Zurich, we strive to be the first point of contact for all ETH students who have an interest in sustainability. 

Our efforts include the collaboration with various organizations and departments to advance sustainability practices on campus, organization of events such as the mirror COP27 and supporting events such as the Nachhaltigkeitswoche Zürich. 

Last but not least, we are keen to support any innovative sustainability projects. 

We hope this report highlights the various progress we have been part of and inspires continued action towards a more sustainable future.

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Come meet us! 🤝

Our office is located at ETH CAB, office E14. Shoot us an email before-hand to make sure one of us will be there when you drop by. 

Student Sustainability Committee

The point of contact for students interested in sustainability at ETH Zurich. 


Office: ETH Zentrum CAB E 14

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